Best Shredding Services Near Lancaster, PA [Ranked by Locals]

The Lanc Local team analyzed 201 local reviews and metrics to find the best shredding services Lancaster, PA has to offer. We rank businesses according to their Bayesian average rating — to prevent rankings from being overly influenced by businesses with only a few reviews.

How we did it: To

create this list, we analyzed all Shredding Services

in the Lancaster

area. The rankings below are based on locals' ratings and each listings' number of verified reviews from across the web. Learn more about our ranking methodology.


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Best Shredding Services Near Lancaster, PA [Ranked by Locals]

Top Shredding Services

Near Lancaster, PA

OfficeMax: Lancaster Office Supply Stores




(201 Reviews)

Featured review:

"My first time in an OfficeMax and I have to say the prices are very reasonable for office supplies. I was also very impressed with some of their organizational items. It's always hard to find unique items to whatever its is you are organizing. Example: Something slim with lots of pockets and in a c...


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